Apartments & holiday homes for vacation in Hvar island

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Recommended holiday homes & holiday apartments for you in Hvar island

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Accommodation with terrace or balcony

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Vos avantages avec
25 Années d'expérience de l'industrie
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Pour la communication dans 9 langues d'état
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avec toutes les informations importantes

Accommodation with pool

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Accommodation with WiFi

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Hvar island

With its peculiar shape, it is the fourth largest of the Croatian islands. On the north coast there are wonderful lonely bathing bays and holiday homes right by the sea, while the south coast is steep and unpopular.

Vacation on the island of Hvar

Jelsa ...
Is a centuries -old coastal place on the north bank and when the weather is nice and clear, you can see the mainland and the neighboring island of Brac. Especially in the vicinity of the village there are numerous caves, as the ""Grabceva Spilja"" grotto was found in the prehistoric cultural treasures of up to 6000 years old. The grotto offers a breathtaking view of the sea and the island of Korcula.

Stiri degrees ...
is a popular resort at the end of a bay. In addition to the cyclical wall, you can do the Gothic church SV. Visit Ivan and the Dominican monastery founded in 1482. A level in the east of the city, which has been used for agriculture since ancient times, has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After 24 centuries, Greek border markings can still be seen today.

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Alessia Ambesi

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Lundi à Vendredi
De 8 h 00 à 20 h 00
De 9 h 00 à 18 h 00
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